
I am a Senior Teaching Fellow at the University of Southampton, U.K. from where I hold a PhD in Economics. I have been a part of the Department of Economics as a member of staff since 2016.

My research is in the area of experimental microeconomics, with a focus on education applications. In particular, I am interested in how individuals’ time and risk preferences interact with other dimensions to influence behaviour. I elicit risk and time preferences using experiments (both lab and online).  I have applied this interest to investigating the relationship between student characteristics and their educational achievements and identifying interventions that may help students become more sophisticated and adapt their behaviour to manage procrastination.

I hold the position of Undergraduate Programmes Coordinator in the Department of Economics at Southampton, and have recently stepped down from my role as Chair of the Athena Swan Committee in the School for Economic, Social and Political Sciences at Southampton where I led the successful Bronze renewal submission for the School. 

I am a member of the Centre for Behavioural Experimental Action and Research (CBEAR) as well as the co-director of the Social Sciences Experimental Lab at Southampton, which is available for use in lectures conducting experiments, for staff and student research purposes, and for use in outreach activities. Click here for more info. I am also a member of the Economic Education Network for Experiments (EENE).